So for the camera. In the past maybe 7-8 years, I've been buying a new digital camera almost every other year, which does NOT help my wallet. However, the last time I got a new camera was I believe in the middle of 2008, so I've actually been really good :) That camera recently flubbed an upload on facebook, which actually lit that desire to get a new camera too. Anyway, I hear about so many people doing their project 365, and I really would like to do one too because I like looking at awesome pictures, and hopefully take good pictures too, so I've been looking into these kinda "hybrid" cameras. Different people call them different things, but what I'm looking for is something that won't break the bank, that can zoom (optical zoom that is) really nice (at least 10x), and that can take really clear pictures (like DSLRs). So, looking around I run into the Olympus PEN series, which is this "hybrid" type. Slightly compact, but with a light sensor very close to a DSLR. The only thing is that the darn thing is over $500 (with tax and stuff). I can NOT afford that.
So, my goal is actually going to be the Canon PowerShot SX30IS. It is also quite pricey, but BestBuy has it on sale for about $50 cheaper than what the Canon website shows. So, this weekend, I might pick one up. Another downside to this camera is that it is quite bulky looking, and after reading some reviews, it seems pretty heavy. So, it's not one of those carry around in my bag cameras. So I guess for the most part I will still be carrying my Olympus Stylus 1010 around still. I really don't know about this. I need help!!
So, as far as the iPod goes...I really messed things up by not getting one as soon as I wanted. Costco used to sell iPods for pretty cheap. My brother has access to the NEX and after comparing and putting everything into perspective, the Costco one was cheaper amazingly. So, earlier this year, I went to pick one up, and for the life of me I couldn't find the darn display. I kept walking around and walking around, and I'm thinking: this would be my luck if they stopped selling iPods altogether. So I finally found an employee and he told me that they stopped selling all Apple products...see: MY LUCK! So, after I recover from my camera purchase, I will as the brother to head out and get me my iPod.
Just wanted to vent out my frustrations with my need to be technologic. Will update when I get my goods!!